Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What We Are Thankful For

It's that special time of the year where we celebrate Christ's invention of Thanksgiving.  So we here at Hats Off To Us wanted to get people in the Christ-y spirit and are making a list of what we are thankful for.

Brenden:  I'm eternally thankful for Nic Cage.  I don't really know if I need to expand on that, but here is some hard evidence proving he is THE BEST:

Frank:  I continue to be thankful for all my wonderful friends and family, who have supported me both emotionally and financially. I can't imagine a world without them.
Also this:

Emily: I'm thankfull that there are GaGa fans out there crazier than me:

Pat: I am thankful for the fact that the McRib wasn't nearly as good as I remember it.  So thankfully I only needed to have one and be done with it. (Yeah, we also remembered it being as good as THIS:

but we were wrong too..)

Matt: I'm thankful for Michael Beasley for making the T-Wolves fun to watch again. Now when i go to see a game in person, I'm not going to see the other team, I'm also going to see Beasley and Love ball. (We will keep wanting to go too as long as Beasley Never does this:

Peter: I'm thankful for my new Isotoner gloves. I could take them on and off all day. Plus everyone at The Saloon thinks they're super cute!

Rachel: I'm thankful for the evolution and progression of strap-on technology:

Chip: I'm thankful for THAT ass:

Wilson: I'm thankful for Admiral Ackbar and his infinite wisdom:

Lacey: I'm thankful for sleep. Respect that shit!

Carl:  50 Cent's Twitter account: 
"I can't belive my grand mothers making me take Out the garbage I'm rich fuck this I'm going home I don't need this shit"

Sam: The BFC, Tubby Smith, hypothetical Bahamas trips, and best friends.(PS that's me in the video!)

Nate (Pastor Nate): I'm thankful for Blake Griffin dunks:

LeClair: Ben Roeth getting punched:

Molly N: Neti Pots:

Alec: I'm thankful that Elway didn't go out like Favre:

Thanks to all the Mad Hatters out there (Rats off to ya)! Merry ThanksSanta from all (two) of us at Hats Off To Us!

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