Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Welcome to the all new Hats Off To Us blog!

The Hats Off To Us brand is growing faster than we ever thought possible and you, the lucky media-consumer, get to be there from beginning. No doubt you've listened to our podcast both live and archived over at blogtalkradio, and equally doubtless is your hunger for more of what we have to offer.

Fortunately we've anticipated the desires of our public and will use this blog to expand on things we've talked about on the show, forgot to talk about, or couldn't talk about because it's a clip of Vader breaking a jobber's back with a powerbomb:

Delight in our musings! Bask in our intellect! Marvel at the strange and wonderful videos we post!

Welcome one, welcome all!


  1. Really excited about this. Can we work something out where you give a poor lady some fantasy football advice each week so she can win $600 in plane tickets? Just think, you could reach a whole new demographic.

  2. Ohhhh snap. We can def offer up the hottest and sexiest guys to get behind for your Fantfootleague

  3. The Rev recommends this wrestling video:

    I watched it live. They ended Smackdown 20 minutes early that night which means that, just like all of professional wrestling, it wasn't staged!

  4. Maybe we should devote a full blog post to times where the ring itself was used for dramatic effect. Like when the undertaker popped out of it and dragged Kevin Nash to hell, or when Ultimate Warrior made a dramatic return to WCW with a trap door in the ring... and of course the episode of Cribs where Hornswaggle showed off his under-the-ring bachelor pad.
